Kennedy HS
Weekly Bulletin: Week of 03/05/2023
WRITTEN BY M. Corcoran ON March 05, 2023

weekly bulletin

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SPRING BREAK: March 27-31 (no school) - School resumes Monday, April 3rd

Quarter Ends March 17 (minimum day) - School planner & website have bell schedule


Coffee with the Principal 3/10/2023. Join us for our next Coffee with the Principal on Friday March 10, 2023 at 10am in the Kennedy Parent Center (Room 701).  Join us for a presentation learning about our LCAP and school data. If you are unable to attend in person, please join us virtually via Zoom.

Coffee 03/10/23


On-Campus Tutoring After School is available for all scholars Monday-Wednesday and Friday. Tutoring is offered in the library from 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm. No appointment is needed. 


School Site Council Meeting. Wednesday, March 15th from 3:30-4:30 in room 101. The School Site Council (SSC) is composed of the principal, teachers, other school personnel, parents and students.  It provides a forum for all of Kennedy's constituents to come together, identify common goals, and establish a plan to achieve these goals.  This involvement occurs through the development of the SPSA (School plan for student achievement), the continuous review of the implementation of the plan, the assessment of the effectiveness of the plan, and the ongoing review and updating of the school plan.  It is also a forum for you to receive on-going up to date information regarding the school and provide input representing your specific group.


ELAC. Kennedy's ELAC Committee will join forces with Walker to conduct its next ELAC Committee Meeting on March 13, 2023 from 9:00am-10:00am in MP1. An English Learner Advisory Committee (or ELAC) is intended for parents/guardians of English learners to advise the principal and school staff of programs and services for English learners. It is an amazing opportunity to have your voices heard and hear about all the amazing things that are happening at Kennedy!


CAPSTONE SHOWCASE. Kennedy High School is proud to present, “My Kennedy Story - A Capstone Project.”  Kennedy High School’s Class of 2023 will hold two presentation days, and you are invited! On Tuesday, April 4, and Tuesday, April 11 at 8 am, Kennedy High School Seniors will present their progress and growth throughout their high school experience.  Please join us as we celebrate our outstanding students! On each of the presentation days, Seniors will be assigned to a classroom on campus, and present their “Kennedy Story” to an audience of staff members, underclassmen, and community members (that’s you). Presentations each day will run from 8 am until approximately 9:15 am (please arrive as early as 7:45 am to check-in).  You will view up to ten presentations from our students.  There is no cost to attend. This is the inaugural year of the Kennedy Capstone Showcase, and we would love for you to be a part of it!  Please consider joining us on one or both of these exciting days! If you are interested, please fill out the form linked HERE.  

parents needed!

Additionally, we are holding a Senior Capstone Celebration Breakfast on Thursday, April 20th (8:15 am-9:15 am) for all Seniors who have presented their "My Kennedy Story." We will provide breakfast and raffle off special prizes throughout the morning to celebrate our Seniors who presented. If you are willing to contribute a prize or monetary donation (suggestions are provided on the form) to help our school cover costs related to this special day, please complete this FORM (our nonprofit tax ID number can be provided).  We even have sponsorship opportunities for business owners who are looking to donate as a business write-off. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to help, please contact Mrs. Melissa Soeltz at


Fullerton College: Teaching Matters Conference. The Teaching Pathway Program is having their annual Teaching Matters Conference for high school students interested in the education field. This event will be on Saturday, March 11th from 10:00a – 12:30p at Fullerton College. For more details please see the attached flyer. Please feel free to share this flyer with your students who might be interested in attending and with your staff who can help spread the word. Students can sign up here: OR use the QR Code in the attached flyer For more information please contact our Teaching Pathways program at



For updates and announcements about activities, athletics, and more, follow John F. Kennedy High on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter @KHigh4Life and join the conversation with #KHigh4Life!

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