Kennedy HS
Weekly Bulletin: Week of 10/22/2023
WRITTEN BY M. Corcoran ON October 22, 2023

weekly bulletin

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Hello, Irish! We are in the 2nd Quarter of the school year! (Oct. 10-Dec. 22)


Cell Phones. As a reminder, please review the following cell phone policy as cell phones should not be a distraction during instructional time:

If a student has a cell phone or electronic device out or turned on during the restricted instructional time, the following rules apply:

  • The cell phone/electronic device will be confiscated from the student.
  • The cell phone/electronic device will be returned to the parent/guardian of the student.
  • Repeat offenders will face disciplinary consequences.


School Site Council. Our School Site Council meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 25th at 3:30 p.m. in Room 101.  Here is the agenda for the meeting. 


Saturday Academy. Saturday Academy will be held on November 4!

  • Saturday Academy runs from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm 
  • Open to all Kennedy Students
  • Make-up missing assignments or get ahead on upcoming assignments
  • Engage in community service activities
  • Breakfast and lunch are offered


RRW Poster

Red Ribbon Week! Show your support and dress up on the following spirit days!

Monday 10/23

 - "Be a role model and don't do drugs!"

(Dress as your favorite teacher)


Tuesday 10/24 

- "Too Bright to Do Drugs"

(Wear Bright/Neon Colors + Sunglasses)


Wednesday 10/25

 - "Celebrate a Drug Free Campus"

(Wear Red from head to toe)


Thursday 10/26

 - "Team Up For Healthy Choices"

(Wear your favorite sport jersey)


Friday 10/27 

- "Fighting Irish Against Drugs"

(Wear School Color)


PTSA Corner

School Cents. Kennedy PTSA is excited to announce that Kennedy is participating in the School Cents program this year starting September 1st thru April . Anytime anyone in the community shops at Cerritos Mall, Lakewood Mall and Stonewood Mall and either SCANS their receipts, EMAILS it to us at PTSA ( or drops the physical receipt at the attendance office, we will get credit and may be eligible to get money towards our school at the end of the school year. First Place gets $10K

School Cents


Birthdays PTSA


Community Resources

Fall in Love with Fullerton. On Saturday, November 4th from 10:00am-2:00pm, Cal State Fullerton will be hosting a free open house event known as Fall in Love with Fullerton. The free event aims to showcase the campus and provide a glimpse of the Titan Experience, while highlighting the many programs, services, and resources our campus has to offer.

Fall in Love CSUF


Friendly Reminders

Kennedy High School began a two phase Solar Panel Project in the South (Student) Parking Lot. This means that a portion of the South Parking Lot will be closed for between 6-8 months.

Therefore, student parking will be limited.  It is recommended that students be dropped off at school or carpool with other students. Thank you and sorry for the inconvenience.


Students, please make sure you bring your Chromebooks or personal computing devices to school everyday, fully charged and ready to be used. It is very important to do this as you may be using these devices for various courses at our school. In addition, please start building the habit of charging your Chromebooks or personal devices every night to ensure it is ready the day after. It is always greatly appreciated that a student comes prepared.


Parents/Guardians and families, please make sure your child brings their Chromebooks or personal computing devices to school everyday, fully charged and ready to be used. It is very important to do this as you may be using these devices for various courses at our school. Please remind your child every night to charge their devices and pack it in their backpacks for the morning. We very much appreciate your help in this and to help them build these positive habits as they go about this new school year.


If your student is in need of a hotspot to access the internet at home, please reach out to Ms.Neufarth



For updates and announcements about activities, athletics, and more, follow John F. Kennedy High on InstagramFacebook, and Twitter @KHigh4Life and join the conversation with #KHigh4Life!

Tags: Kennedy HS

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