Welcome to the new school year! A little on my background: I attended Cal State Fullerton and earned a Bachelor's Degree in Spanish Linguistics as well as in Latin American Studies (double major). I earned my Master's Degree in Cross Cultural Education at National University.
I possess two teaching credentials, both CLAD authorized. I first started out in elementary school, so I have a Multiple Subject Credential. Then, I discovered high school and completed my Single Subject Credential in Spanish. I have taught elementary school and high school, ELD and Spanish.
I love teaching and enjoy watching my students discover a new language and a new culture. It is an amazing experience to watch our students blossom academically!
Class Notes for Parents and Students:
Online textbook: userid: kennedy13 pw: library13 (Important: DO NOT CHANGE THE PASSWORD!!!)
If a student forgets their textbook or workbook pages at school, the online text is available which contains the same material as the actual book and workbook. Students may do the workbook assignments by writing their answers on a separate piece of paper.
All classes (Spanish 1 and Spanish2) will be working on various assignments throughout the chapters. Students will be given time in class to do most of the work. It is not recommended that students wait until the night before the assignments are due. Special projects will also be assigned throughout the year.
Examples of Typical Assignments:
- Vocabulary Flash Cards - Handouts with pictures
- Vocabulary Check - Translation practice handout
- Guided Practice Packet - Simple step by step practice handout on the chapter's specific grammar
- Sandwich Vocabulary - student created - they are to write the Spanish word, English definition, Spanish word and create a picture that represents the word to them.
- Word search (not all chapters)
Students will be given time in class to do most of the work on these assignments.