Kennedy HS
PTSA Scholarship

Application Deadline: March 6, 2025


To apply for a Kennedy High School PTSA Senior Scholarship, you must:


  1. Be a graduating senior.
  2. Be a current Kennedy High School PTSA member (deadline for being a PTSA Member is December 20, 2024). Join at
  3. Plan to attend a trade school, community college, or four-year college or university.


Please complete the applications questions by clicking here. Return your responses to the Kennedy HS Counseling Center with the original and 4 copies or mail to:


Kennedy PTSA c/o Patrice Kirby
5479 Dirk Circle
La Palma, CA 90623-1512


All applications must be received by March 6, 2025. Recipients will be announced at Senior Awards Night.


If you have any questions, please text or call Patti Kirby 714-743-5479

JFK Spirit Wear Store

Kennedy High School Student Store


JFK Spirit Wear Store brought to you by Eclectic Printing & Design!


The store is CLOSED, but it will open again soon!

Check back for more info!


All spirit wear this year will be sold online* through Eclectic Printing & Design and shipped directly to homes. There will be no drive thru pick-up option for this round of orders.


*NOTE: Remember all sales are final. PTSA does not have any inventory on hand to return or exchange product.

Join PTSA Today!



It’s not too late to join the Kennedy PTSA! Everyone is welcome - students, parents, grandparents, and community. The PTSA is contributing to work hard for our school.


Click HERE to join us today!

Shop Amazon! Help Kennedy!

Amazon Smile -- You shop. Amazon gives.


Looking for other ways to help???


Shop through Amazon Smile and Kennedy PTSA will receive a percentage back from all purchases.  Add our listing to your favorite charity!

(566 John F Kennedy High PTSA)


Click HERE to shop & earn money for Kennedy PTSA!


Mission Statement

The mission of California State PTA is to positively impact the lives of all children and families.


Join PTA Today!


We would love to have 100% teacher and staff participation this year as well as have our students more involved.  Long term membership and participation in PTSA will show unity and support for our school, as well as benefit students who wish to apply for a senior scholarship.


Join online:

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